UltraScan Version



Last updated: July 2024

NOTICE: this module is being developed by E. Brookes, J. Pérez, P. Vachette, and M. Rocco.
Portions of this help file are taken from the Supplementary Materials of Brookes et al., "Fibrinogen species as resolved by HPLC-SAXS data processing within the UltraScan SOlution MOdeler (US-SOMO) enhanced SAS module", J. Appl. Cryst. 46:1823-1833 (2013), and from Brookes et al. "US-SOMO HPLC-SAXS Module: Dealing with Capillary Fouling, and Extraction of Pure Component Patterns from Poorly Resolved SEC-SAXS Data", J. Appl. Cryst. 49:1827-1841, 2016. Some subsequent improvements are discussed in Brookes and Rocco, "Recent advances in the UltraScan SOlution MOdeller (US-SOMO) hydrodynamic and small-angle scattering data analysis and simulation suite", Eur. Biophys. J. 47:855-864 (2018). The most recent (July 2024) developments will be subsequently published (Brookes and Rocco, in preparation).

This US-SOMO module was originally conceived for the analysis of HPLC-SAXS data, in particular from size-exclusion chromatography (SEC). From the US-SOMO July 2024 intermediate release, it has been renamed HPLC/KIN to reflect the enhancements that were made to deal with kinetics-derived data, which are similar in certain aspects to the on-line chromatography-derived data. The vast majority of this Help will still extensively deal with the treatment of SEC-SAXS data.

SOMO HPLC-SAXS Lysozyme I(q) data

In the image above, the main panel of the HPLC/KIN module is shown. The buttons with the black labels are the ones currently active, the ones with the red labels become active when allowed by the processing/visualization stage. The graphics panel shows a collection of HPLC-SAXS log10[I(q)] vs. q SAXS data frames (points with 0 or negative values are automatically omitted from the visualization only) for a chicken egg-white lysozyme chromatographic separation on a Agilent BioSec-3 (3 μm particle size, 300 Å pore-size) 4.6 × 300 mm column, eluted with Hepes 50 mM, NaCl 100 mM, pH 7. Note the permanent upturn at very small q-values, due to biological material aggregated by the intense X-ray beam on the capillary cell walls under these far from optimal experimental conditions. While this kind of problem should be (and has been) preferentially dealt with at the experimental level, we use this dataset to demonstrate the potential for correcting data still presenting such an issue.

The left side of the window is divided in three sections, labeled "Data files", "Produced Data", and "Messages". By clicking on these labels, the corresponding panel below each label will disappear, allowing for an expansion of the remaining other panel(s). If every panel is made to disappear, the main graph will expand to cover the full size of the HPLC/KIN module window. By clicking again on the labels, the corresponding panels will be restored.

On the top left panel (Data files) there are seven buttons:

Somo-HPLC/KIN Top buttons

Below the window with the loaded files listing there is a second section of buttons:

Somo-HPLC/KIN Second Set of buttons

The file names of produced data are shown in the Produced Data panel to the centre-left, and can be selected and saved to files using the appropriate buttons below it.

Somo-HPLC/KIN Produced Data section

Two types of files can be produced:

In the Messages area, the operations performed are tracked, and computed parameters are shown. The display can be copied or cleared from the File pull-down menu:

Somo-HPLC/KIN Messages section

The bottom line of this module contains the Help, Options, and Close buttons, with in between a progess bar showing in blue color and with a numeric % value the advancement of the currect action:

Somo-HPLC/KIN bottom line of commands

On pressing Options, a pop-up panel will be shown:

Somo-HPLC/KIN bottom line of commands

See here for a description of this module.

On the top of the graphics window there is a row of round "Plot buttons:" checkboxes each one controlling the showing of a series of buttons:

Somo-HPLC/KIN graphics plot buttons

The Options checkbox will enable these buttons:

In the image below two files were selected, the Dots checkbox was checked, Width was pressed twice, and Legend was pressed:

Somo-HPLC/KIN graphics plot buttons demo

The Selections checkbox will enable these buttons:

Somo-HPLC/KIN graphics selections buttons

The Cropping checkbox will enable these buttons:

Somo-HPLC/KIN graphics cropping buttons

When a part of the graph is selected using the mouse/left button, the buttons become all available (only Crop Zeros and Crop Common are available when files are just displayed after selection).

The Conc. Util. (Concentration Utility) checkbox will enable these buttons:

Somo-HPLC/KIN graphics concentration utility buttons

They are used to deal with chromatography data coming from a concentration detector, such as absorbance (UV-Vis) or refractive index (RI). These data are usually on a diffent intensity scale, and time-shifted because of the placement of these detectors either before or after the SAXS cell. To deal with these problems, we need first to scale the concentration-associated chromatogram to a SAXS I(t) vs. t chromatogram at a q value, and then to time-shift it to align it in the time domain.
To demonstrate these procedures we employ a bovine serum albumin (BSA) SEC-SAXS run using two 7.8 × 300 mm ID columns packed with hydroxylated polymethacrylate particles (TSK G4000PWXL, 10 µm size, 500 Å pore size, and G3000PWXL, 6 µm size, 200 Å pore size, Tosoh Bioscience, Tokyo, Japan) connected in series, protected by a 6 × 40 mm guard column filled with G3000PW resin (Tosoh). The data presented capillary fouling evidence, and were thus subjected to Integral Baseline correction (not shown). The concentration-associated data were an absorption profile at 280 nm collected with a DAD (Diode Array Detector).
The concentration data are first loaded with the Conc. File Load button (see here) and then selected:

Somo-HPLC/KIN graphics concentration utility loaded concentration-associated file

Then, usually a low-q, high-intensity but low-noise I(t) vs. t chromatogram is also selected:

Somo-HPLC/KIN graphics concentration utility loaded concentration-associated and SAXS file

The S.D. Util checkbox relates to another feature present in the US-SOMO HPLC/KIN module, an alternative way of estimating the errors associated with the SAXS data. This might become useful if no errors have been already associated with the experimental data, or if their reliability is questionable.
The method is based on the assumption that the fluctuations of the signal at the baseline level are a good representation of the error associated with the data an any other point along each I(t) vs. t chromatogram. Therefore, by estimating the average fluctuations in flat regions of the chromatogram, a constant SD value can be associated with every datapoint in that particular chromatogram. Obviously, different chromatograms will have different values for their respective constant SD.
Two buttons will become availble on selecting the S.D. Util checkbox:

Somo-HPLC/KIN graphics S.D. Evaluation buttons

For this example, we use an Integral Baseline corrected I(t) vs t chromatogram produced from the lysozyme SEC-SAXS data employed at the beginning of this Help section (see here for a full description of this utility).

The actual SD associated with it can be visualized by selecting the Err checkbox in the Options menu as described above:

Somo-HPLC/KIN errors visualization

Below the US-SOMO HPLC/KIN module graphics panel there are a series of buttons for performing several operations on the files displayed, some of which will become available only when multiple files are selected, or a region of the graph is zoomed, while others will become available only when single files are selected:

SOMO HPLC/KIN below graphics commands

Note: some buttons are not always visualized, but will appear in place of others when some functions are called, such as in the SD evaluation procedure described above.

Gaussian decomposition of not baseline-resolved peaks is another utility present in the US-SOMO HPLC/KIN module. Decomposition with symmetrical Gaussian functions will be first described using a bovine serum albumin (BSA) SEC-SAXS run using two 7.8 × 300 mm ID columns packed with hydroxylated polymethacrylate particles (TSK G4000PWXL, 10 µm size, 500 Å pore size, and G3000PWXL, 6 µm size, 200 Å pore size, Tosoh Bioscience, Tokyo, Japan) connected in series, protected by a 6 × 40 mm guard column filled with G3000PW resin (Tosoh). The data presented capillary fouling evidence, and were thus subjected to Integral Baseline correction (not shown).

SOMO HPLC-SAXS BSA I(t) for symmetrical Gaussian decomposition

Before proceeding to Gaussian analysis (whose theory can be seen here), a SVD analysis could be useful. In SVD analysis, the number of significant singular values in the decomposition should be equal to the number of components in the data, and thus to the minimum number of Gaussians required to accurately reconstruct the data (see here).

Three buttons control the Gaussian decomposition procedure in the HPLC/KIN module of US-SOMO: Gaussian options, Gaussians, and Global Gaussians.

We can now return to the Global Gaussians features by clicking again Sel. Unsel. in the Data files section and then the Lin X and Lin Y buttons. We restore the Gaussian by clicking on Global Gaussians and this time we'll answer "No" to the pop-up question:

SOMO HPLC-SAXS Global Gaussians mode: fit amplitudes or restore saved ones

since we do not need to re-fit the data:

SOMO HPLC-SAXS Global Gaussians decomposition without refitting

Each individual Gaussian is defined by three to five numbers: the amplitude, width and center, and optionally the distorsions parameters. As such, they are not "curves" in the sense of the loaded files, which are collections of data points. Therefore, the Gaussians can not be visualized with the facilities of the program outside of Gaussian or Global Gaussian modes.

At the end of the Make I(q) operations, if the Average and normalize resulting I(q) curves by Gaussian, using top % of max. intensity" checkbox had been selected, the graphics window will report the averaged curves for each Gaussian-decomposed peak:

Somo-HPLC/KIN Make I(q) results

shown here in log10-log10 mode and after zooming. Note that since the Make I*(q) using the concentration curve "filename"? checkbox was also selected, we have produced I*(q) vs. q data in [g/mol] units. The intercepts at q=0 then give an approximate molecular weight estimation. This could be immediately verified by selecting a single averaged I*(q) vs. q dataset, like peak #4, and pressing the Guinier button:

Somo-HPLC/KIN Make I(q) results I*(q) Guinier

Here we can see that the Guinier-extrapolated I*(0) gives a value that although a bit high is consistent with monomeric BSA (∼66,500 g/mol). The Rg value is in excellent agreement with that computed from the structure (28.3 Å).

If the Make I*(q) using the concentration curve "filename"? checkbox is not selected, two averaged I(q) vs. q curves for each Gaussian-decomposed peak will be produced, simple average and average normalized by the concentration:

Somo-HPLC/KIN Make I(q) results no I*(q)

Here we see just the two I(q) vs. q curves for peak #4.

If a concentration chromatogram is associated with the data, an additional utility present in this module allows to map a single selected I(q) vs. q dataset onto the concentration chromatogram, by pressing the Concentration reference button:

SOMO HPLC-SAXS concentration reference

In the example shown above, the I(q) vs. q data for the decomposed peak #3 frame #80 are shown with their associated errors, and below it the position of this dataset is shown by the vertical red line on the associated concentration cromatogram. Each time a different chromatogram is selected, its position will be mapped on the concentration plot.

Pressing the Concentration reference button again will make this additional plot disappear.

Finally, the data shown in any of the plots currently visualized can be saved in csv-formatted files by pressing the Save plots button accessible from the Selections checkbox at the top of the graphics window. This will open a pop-up dialogue window where the location and the root filename for the cvs files can be set.

www contact: Emre Brookes

This document is part of the UltraScan Software Documentation distribution.
Copyright © notice.

The latest version of this document can always be found at:


Last modified on July 11, 2024.